Saturday, October 6, 2012

Build a solar panel

   When looking to join in on the solar energy and contribute in making the world sustainable for this and future generations, one of the best ways would be to build a solar panel and install it in your home. When you think about well how in the world do I build a solar panel when I'm not a electrician. Don't worry with a little dedication anyone can build a solar panel. The reason that you should build a solar panel of your own is that purchasing one could cause a lot of money especially as you scale up and by more to generate more electricity for your house. In this post I will go over some basic tips about the process but not get to detailed just a opening to expose you to build a solar panel.

First of all when starting to build a solar panel you need to pick up the right tools in order to do just that. You will first need photo-voltaic cells. These cells are the main ingredient when it come to building a solar panel it converts sunlight into electricity. The next logical tool that is needed would be electrical wires which are gonna be used to wire the pv cells together to produce a voltage. The thicker the wire the better durability it will have when transferring energy and containing energy. The next set of tools to build a solar panel would be your basic set of tools that any electrician has such as hammer, nails, screws, drills, as well as others also.

Another important tool you will need when you decide to build a solar panel would be diode. A diode is very important because it transfers the energy in one direction and stops it from discharging the battery. Then you will need to purchase mounting stand in order to keep the pv cells stationary and in the right position to generate energy from the sunlight. You will also need to purchase the materials needed to attach the pv cells to the mountain stand.

Well the are just some basic materials you will need when starting to build a solar panel. Now It's time to go over some simple steps to get you started on your goal to build a solar panel. First you will want to learn the basic system of a solar panel so it would be a good idea to pick up a very simple guide to build a solar panel. Now that you have a basic understanding of how a solar panel is build it is now time to put it together.

Locate some copper and cut it into a square shape, these square shape copper should be the size of a small coffee table give or take some. After you cut the copper then make sure you clean the copper out using sheet metal and running it through water. Next you will want to burn the copper until it turns black but make sure you pay attention because over heating can reunion the copper. After you wait so many as the copper cools then rub the copper with your hands over some water to remove the oxidized coating.

The next step to build a solar panel is to find a plastic bottle and cut then cut the top off, then use the sheet of copper that you didn't burn and bend it to fit the outside of the bottle. Do the same thing with the other sheet a copper. Next attach a clip to both pieces of copper making sure the two pieces of copper are not touching each other. While building a solar panel you will need to have a micro-ammeter to measure and read the currents. So connect the negative terminal to cooked copper and then connect the positive terminal with the uncooked copper.

Find some salt and dissolve it in solve water then poor it inside of the bottle. After that check you measurements on your ammeter which will show if you did it correctly do to the variations in sunshine.
This is how you build a solar panel at home. There is also very helpful programs and very detailed guides out there that will show you step by step how to build one.


  1. Above information is pretty good. with the reference of this post I would like to add some more information on wide array of solar panel, solar power panel, solar panel equipment and many more. solar panel export companies
